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  • How can I financially support this effort now?
    We need your help! We are seeking $40,000 in support by May 1st for initial start-up costs in order to support a clean transition to cooperative ownership. Follow this link to donate now. After the initial fundraiser donations, we will have membership shares for $300 that will be available for purchase soon. If you are interested in making an investment beyond membership shares, please email to start a conversation on how you can support.
  • What else can I do to help?
    Sign up for our email list to stay in the loop about co-op developments and future calls to action. In the meantime, share your stories on social media about why Conor Byrne is so important to save. Use the hashtag #saveconorbyrne and don’t forget to tag @conorbyrnepub and @conorbyrnecoop.
  • How can I become a member?
    Membership pre-registration is open! Sign up now using our secure payment options. You can purchase your membership for a one-time fee of $300 or pay it in installments. Membership packets will be sent out at a later date.
  • What are the benefits of membership?
    Membership will come with several benefits that will be determined by the board of directors. Member perks* will likely include: Member Drink Specials Contribute to Bar/venue decision making process Access Member Events Thank You gift of co-op merchandise Conor Byrne Co-op merchandise Discount %25 Eligible for annual dividend payout based on patronage *member perks are subject to change
  • What is a Co-op?
    A “co-op” is a business or organization owned and operated by its members for their mutual benefit. In a cooperative structure, members typically have equal voting rights regardless of their financial investment, and decisions are made democratically, with the goal of serving the needs and interests of the community. By transitioning Conor Byrne into a cooperative, we will foster a sense of shared ownership, engagement, and responsibility among its stakeholders, while also preserving its cultural significance and ensuring its long-term sustainability.
  • What kind of changes will the Conor Byrne Co-op make?
    We have devised a 3-pronged approach that will transform Conor Byrne into a sustainable business that continues to center music and community. 1) Membership Cooperative - By re-starting the business as a member-owned cooperative, we will be able to create new revenue streams via membership and investment. 2) Bar Improvements - Through business and operational changes, sales modeling improvements, and an enhanced marketing strategy we will be able to reduce monthly bar losses by 50% over the first six months of operation, and reduce monthly losses by 100% over a twelve month period. 3) Save our Stage - By establishing the performing stage as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit, we can access grants and tax-exempt donations to support the music, while the bar operates as a cooperative business.
  • How can I learn more about the co-op business model?
    We are working with the NW Cooperative Development Center and Spokane Workers Cooperative to guide us through this transition. They have great resources to familiarize yourself with this type of business model.
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